* Sea-Bird SBE19 Data File: * FileName = C:\Documents and Settings\Julie\estuaries ctd\20090509HC\20090509SHC18006.hex * Software Version 1.59 * Temperature SN = 2809 * Conductivity SN = 2809 * System UpLoad Time = May 9 2009 18:57:37 ** 20090509SHC25 * ds * SEACAT PROFILER V3.1b SN 2809 5/9/09 42:37.0 * strain gauge pressure sensor: SN = "193007," range = 1000 "psia," tc = -401 * clk = 32768.297 iop = 197 vmain = 10.8 vlith = 5.3 * mode = PROFILE ncasts = 10 * sample rate = 1 scan every 0.5 seconds * minimum raw conductivity frequency for pump turn on = 3261 hertz * pump delay = 40 seconds * samples = 7296 free = 79768 lwait = 0 msec * SW1 = C8 battery cutoff = 7.3 volts * number of voltages sampled = 4 * logdata = NO * S> * dh * cast 6 9-May 10:43:33 samples 4433 to 5453 sample rate = 1 scan every 0.5 seconds stop = switch off * S> # nquan = 16 # nvalues = 29 # units = specified # name 0 = prSM: "Pressure," Strain Gauge [db] # name 1 = t090C: Temperature "[ITS-90," deg C] # name 2 = c0mS/cm: Conductivity [mS/cm] # name 3 = sbeox0V: Oxygen "Voltage," SBE 43 # name 4 = wetStar: "Fluorescence," Wetlab Wetstar [mg/m^3] # name 5 = xmiss: Beam "Transmission," Chelsea/Seatech/Wetlab CStar [%] # name 6 = sbeox0ML/L: "Oxygen," SBE 43 "[ml/l]," WS = 1 # name 7 = sbeox0Mg/L: "Oxygen," SBE 43 "[mg/l]," WS = 1 # name 8 = sbeox0PS: "Oxygen," SBE 43 [% "saturation]," WS = 1 # name 9 = nbin: number of scans per bin # name 10 = sal00: Salinity [PSU] # name 11 = potemp090C: Potential Temperature "[ITS-90," deg C] # name 12 = sigma-t00: Density "[sigma-t," Kg/m^3 ] # name 13 = sigma-é00: Density "[sigma-theta," Kg/m^3] # name 14 = depSM: Depth [salt "water," "m]," lat = 48 # name 15 = flag: flag # span 0 = "1.000," 29 # span 1 = "8.6345," 12.8412 # span 2 = "28.706801," 32.54667 # span 3 = "1.6919," 3.5203 # span 4 = "2.1171," 27.6075 # span 5 = "74.6749," 90.9761 # span 6 = "2.90168," 7.35959 # span 7 = "4.14679," 10.5176 # span 8 = "43.46909," 116.19463 # span 9 = "2," 6 # span 10 = "23.6964," 30.2617 # span 11 = "8.6317," 12.8411 # span 12 = "17.6834," 23.4645 # span 13 = "17.6834," 23.4649 # span 14 = "0.992," 28.755 # span 15 = "0.0000e+00," 0.00E+00 # interval = decibars: 1 # start_time = May 9 2009 10:43:33 # bad_flag = -9.99E-29 # sensor 0 = Frequency 0 "temperature," "2809," 13-Dec-08 # sensor 1 = Frequency 1 "conductivity," "2809," "13-Dec-08," cpcor = -9.57E-08 # sensor 2 = Extrnl Volt 0 "Oxygen," "SBE," "primary," "1380," 24-Dec-08p # sensor 3 = Extrnl Volt 1 "transmissometer," "primary," "CST-482PR," 18-Apr-08 # sensor 4 = Extrnl Volt 2 WET "Labs," WETStar "fluorometer," "WSIS-785P," 22-Jan-08 # sensor 5 = Pressure "Voltage," "2809," 26-Dec-08 # datcnv_date = May 21 2009 "08:18:02," 7.18d # datcnv_in = c:\ctdtemp\509hc25.hex c:\ctdtemp\2809.con # datcnv_skipover = 0 # datcnv_ox_hysteresis_correction = yes # filter_date = May 21 2009 "08:18:03," 7.18d # filter_in = c:\ctdtemp\509hc25.cnv # filter_low_pass_tc_A = 0.5 # filter_low_pass_tc_B = 2 # filter_low_pass_A_vars = c0mS/cm # filter_low_pass_B_vars = prSM # alignctd_date = May 21 2009 "08:18:04," 7.18d # alignctd_in = c:\ctdtemp\509hc25.cnv # alignctd_adv = t090C "0.500," sbeox0V 4 # loopedit_date = May 21 2009 "08:18:05," 7.18d # loopedit_in = c:\ctdtemp\509hc25.cnv # loopedit_minVelocity = 0.1 # loopedit_surfaceSoak: do not remove # loopedit_excl_bad_scans = yes # Derive_date = May 21 2009 "08:18:07," 7.18d # Derive_in = c:\ctdtemp\509hc25.cnv c:\ctdtemp\2809.con # derive_time_window_docdt = seconds: 1 # derive_ox_tau_correction = yes # binavg_date = May 21 2009 "08:18:08," 7.18d # binavg_in = c:\ctdtemp\509hc25.cnv # binavg_bintype = decibars # binavg_binsize = 1 # binavg_excl_bad_scans = yes # binavg_skipover = 0 # binavg_surface_bin = "no," min = "0.000," max = "0.000," value = 0 # Derive_date = May 21 2009 "08:18:08," 7.18d # Derive_in = c:\ctdtemp\509hc25.cnv c:\ctdtemp\2809.con # file_type = ascii *END* 1 12.8412 28.706801 3.3965 3.2412 78.8903 6.93018 9.90392 108.5819 6 23.6964 12.8411 17.6834 17.6834 0.992 0.00E+00 2 12.8012 30.160458 3.5203 3.6149 81.6146 7.35959 10.5176 116.19463 6 25.0484 12.801 18.7341 18.7341 1.983 0.00E+00 3 12.3569 30.461552 3.5121 5.136 81.6122 6.76686 9.67052 106.23474 5 25.6241 12.3565 19.2577 19.2577 2.975 0.00E+00 4 11.7562 30.683863 3.1978 8.6337 81.1094 5.42917 7.75882 84.49529 4 26.2482 11.7557 19.8448 19.8449 3.966 0.00E+00 5 10.6924 31.705228 2.6599 15.2604 77.8065 3.62829 5.1852 55.79011 4 28.0105 10.6919 21.39 21.3901 4.958 0.00E+00 6 9.4123 32.54667 2.1612 22.7383 74.6749 3.05308 4.36315 46.17882 4 29.8715 9.4117 23.0428 23.0429 5.95 0.00E+00 7 9.1287 32.496248 1.9234 27.6075 81.6714 3.01707 4.31169 45.40737 5 30.0574 9.128 23.2312 23.2313 6.941 0.00E+00 8 8.9732 32.443346 1.8071 15.1946 87.6023 3.00621 4.29618 45.10921 3 30.1341 8.9724 23.3146 23.3147 7.933 0.00E+00 9 8.928 32.427279 1.7618 8.1967 89.8914 2.96457 4.23666 44.44544 3 30.1555 8.9271 23.338 23.3382 8.924 0.00E+00 10 8.9052 32.412924 1.7343 6.215 90.5805 2.91401 4.16442 43.66643 3 30.1596 8.9042 23.3447 23.3448 9.916 0.00E+00 11 8.8904 32.407571 1.7152 5.3202 90.2798 2.90168 4.14679 43.46909 2 30.1662 8.8893 23.3521 23.3522 10.907 0.00E+00 12 8.8562 32.394342 1.7033 4.814 90.5908 2.91981 4.1727 43.71146 3 30.1812 8.855 23.3689 23.3691 11.899 0.00E+00 13 8.8201 32.380095 1.6978 4.5125 90.9761 2.91181 4.16126 43.56079 2 30.1968 8.8188 23.3864 23.3866 12.891 0.00E+00 14 8.802 32.371031 1.6937 3.7858 90.0839 2.92302 4.17729 43.71244 3 30.2024 8.8006 23.3935 23.3937 13.882 0.00E+00 15 8.7942 32.366579 1.6919 3.4847 89.8973 2.9219 4.17569 43.6885 2 30.2041 8.7927 23.3959 23.3961 14.874 0.00E+00 16 8.7814 32.358458 1.6937 3.1607 89.7322 2.95561 4.22386 44.18044 2 30.2061 8.7798 23.3994 23.3997 15.865 0.00E+00 17 8.769 32.350747 1.6951 2.6413 89.3721 2.94561 4.20957 44.01931 2 30.2083 8.7673 23.403 23.4032 16.857 0.00E+00 18 8.7458 32.340962 1.6989 2.6951 89.0959 2.97746 4.25509 44.47483 3 30.2175 8.744 23.4136 23.4139 17.848 0.00E+00 19 8.7247 32.332319 1.7051 2.5823 88.0525 3.00705 4.29738 44.89809 2 30.2262 8.7228 23.4235 23.4237 18.84 0.00E+00 20 8.7159 32.325521 1.7137 2.4117 86.7062 3.02076 4.31696 45.09386 3 30.2262 8.7139 23.4248 23.4251 19.831 0.00E+00 21 8.7069 32.320202 1.7198 2.1171 86.4182 3.03251 4.33376 45.26065 3 30.228 8.7048 23.4275 23.4278 20.823 0.00E+00 22 8.6905 32.312232 1.7235 2.3244 86.0119 3.02362 4.32106 45.11291 2 30.2333 8.6883 23.4341 23.4344 21.814 0.00E+00 23 8.6626 32.306194 1.726 2.2109 84.6539 3.03598 4.33872 45.27399 3 30.2504 8.6603 23.4516 23.4519 22.806 0.00E+00 24 8.6557 32.303769 1.7275 2.2114 81.1862 3.04869 4.35688 45.45726 2 30.2534 8.6534 23.4549 23.4552 23.797 0.00E+00 25 8.6458 32.300566 1.7304 2.6422 79.292 3.04026 4.34483 45.32294 2 30.2581 8.6434 23.46 23.4604 24.789 0.00E+00 26 8.6397 32.299174 1.7297 2.3673 77.2862 3.03395 4.33582 45.22366 3 30.2615 8.6372 23.4636 23.4639 25.78 0.00E+00 27 8.6387 32.297646 1.731 2.3311 76.2539 3.04105 4.34596 45.32811 3 30.2603 8.6361 23.4628 23.4632 26.772 0.00E+00 28 8.6363 32.29687 1.7301 2.2385 75.7916 3.04535 4.35211 45.38994 5 30.2611 8.6336 23.4638 23.4642 27.763 0.00E+00 29 8.6345 32.296337 1.7302 2.2397 75.0223 3.03435 4.33639 45.22434 6 30.2617 8.6317 23.4645 23.4649 28.755 0.00E+00